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VISA Interview

Visa Interview Preparation Course

Before getting visa applicant has to face Embassy Interview and most of the applicants are afraid of this interview because they are not familiar with this interview as well as the questionnaires but going abroad solely depends on the performance of this interview.

Now, Observe Education helps applicant to face Embassy Interview for heading opportunity to going abroad.

Some interview sample questions

  • What university are you applying to?

  • How did you find out about the school for which you are applying?

  • Please tell us why you picked this school and how you intend to use the degrees you obtain from the school.

  • What is the typical weather where that university is located?

  • How many student are currently in the MBA program there?

  • What are the names of any of the professors and where did they get their degrees?

  • How many courses are you required to take get your degree?

  • How many years will it take for you to graduate?

  • Are you an honest student?

  • Does this applicant financially solvent?

  • Does this student have sufficient ties to the Home Country that will ensure his/her return after Graduation?

  • What the applicant plans to do with the learning and educational experience he or she expects to receive in U.S.A?

Course Content

Finally, we can assure you to get a better score as per your requirement, hence, if you need any suggestion regarding your interview.

Class Information

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    Number Of Classes: 12

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    Class Duration: 1.5 Hours Per Class

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    Batch Capacity: 15 Students

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    Enrolled Students: 8 Students

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    Language: English

Course Registration

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