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Complete English Language Learning

5 in 1 CELL

[ Complete English Language Learning]


  • Foundation English

  • Basic English (spoken & writing).

  • Admission Test English.

  • Admission Visa Interview Test

Features of our CELL Course

  • Complete preparation for IELTS 6.5+

  • Complete preparation of English subject for University/Medical/Engineering Admission Test.

  • English required for personal life/living / traveling abroad / studying abroad Teaching speaking and writing

  • Preparation of English education for participation in various viva including visa interviews of other countries including the USA and interviews for admission to other countries including the UK (CAS Letter Issue) besides, this course enables English medium students to take classes.

In the case of English Language Learning in the well-long 12/13 years of education Inshallah, what he could not achieve, he can achieve in just 4 to 6 months. Proficiency in English means that your future career will be successful.

Final of the course Certificates will be awarded at the end of the exam.

Start dates and duration:

This course is expected to run again in January 2023.

Class Information

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    Number Of Classes: 32

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    Class Duration: 1.5 Hours

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    Batch Capacity: 20 Students

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    Enrolled Students: 14 Students

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    Language: English

Course Registration

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